Hello there! I did some work to my Civic today. It's been awhile since I did any work to my rust bucket. I honestly became a little burned out with all of the side car work I have been doing to try and make it to the track. My wife and I had an opportunity to go to a three day punk rock music fest in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We deemed this as a vacation and to celebrate our 7th year marriage anniversary. Here's a picture of us while at the event. It was a blast, so must stress relieved and now I have a clear head.
Nevertheless now that I am back home it felt really good to get out there and to improve my Civic.
Before I left for vacation, I did some work and paint to my interior. I know this may sound lame to some of you, but I have always wanted to be able to enter my Civic into a car show performance category. One day I will when my Civic is clean enough to be respected. In light of this, I have been working on cleaning up my interior to really give it that race car look. I've been working on the ass end and moving up towards the dash board. Here is what I have so far....
My seat rail brace broke which left my seat only bolted in at three locations. I had to fix this and have a fourth mounting point before I could pass tech at my local track. I created a bracket out of 1/8" flat stock and used my HF flux core welder to join the pieces together. It came out alright...
My plan is to drill a hole in the bottom portion and through the unibody then attach a bolt to secure the bracket. I plan to get this done tomorrow. This should be solid enough and pass tech. I will also be painting the bracket black and will sew a patch over where the fabric melted while I was welding. While I have the seat out I will finish removing the sound deadening material and will paint the driver's side floor.